Every year a deepening. That’s what I’m feeling. It’s as though the earth, herself, weaves her way in, more and more, bent on thoroughness – on addressing every unacknowledged space. A cusp. A precarious one. Both personally and on a macro level. Feelings merged, despite the polarity of what, I suspect, are the likely outcomes…. Continue reading
Posts in "Musings on Life"
Her wild currents arrived with full force I watched them flow over hills trees bending in supplication splitting at corners amplifying her voice rushing over angles roaring in freedom no intention of stopping AIR Bringing in her edge despite knowing how to be still She heeds the call to move but not without making an… Continue reading
Night Walk
I wrapped myself in night sounds an almost balmy breeze infusing my being with the scent of shifting seasons rich and rotten a knowing in my bones that soon the silence would only be broken by wind and footsteps and breath
Wild and Precious
There are places along the dirt road where the water moves just so insisting on erosion rushing over ledges of dead leaves wedged in silt of larger rocks coaxing forth what sounds like human voices barely submerged and I wonder what is so important that the rocks would trick the water into speech or perhaps… Continue reading
Beltane 2017
A misty evening. A special sort of quiet, that hangs a gentle canvas for the cheerful dialogue of birds and the faint, steady swish of droplets that were too heavy to linger in the ether. Waiting for thunderstorms. Carrying on.
In the crooked double-paned window I watch my own reflection Full lips Double frowns Smudged Eye Shadows Super-imposed Life is blurry and Everything veers to the right Skewed This makes me uncomfortable I have 3.5 ears rimmed by darkness Rainbow lights usually behind me sprout from the top of my head wrapping themselves in waves… Continue reading
Tree Wisdom on a Sunday
I walk through the woods seeking wisdom and solace, on a quest for the answers my heart yearns for. Twenty-four hours ago, the sun beat down warmly on the earth, a rapid infusion of bliss on a short day, while a breeze teased the lingering leaves, the blades of grass. Overnight, a heavy blanket of… Continue reading
The Day Before
Today has been a tear-filled day for me. I have plenty of practice with boundaries to protect my acutely empathic soul at this point, but at times like these, when the swirling energy is so intense and pooling, here and now, as threads of past and present and all possible futures meet, there is no… Continue reading
Summer Snapshot
My two boys fully dressed for the first time in days maybe weeks walked with me I held the dog pulling pawing as they ran ahead High socks and bright shoes so rare in summer kicking up dust They stopped erratically breathless from racing celebrating the green the rocks the occasional scat Much like the… Continue reading
On Forgetting
A 20 minute freewriting exercise inspired by the phrase, “I don’t remember.” It happens less when I’m well rested. When stress levels are lower and the focus is happy. That pesky nagging that, “I don’t remember.” As someone who lives much of her life in her head, writing as I do, quietly pondering as I… Continue reading
A 10 minute freewriting exercise, beginning with, “I remember.” I remember to breathe. In the middle of the night, when I’ve been awake for hours and hallucinations rear up from some dark unknown, and I hold myself still, willing sleep to take over, I realize I am not breathing. As I panic that this is my… Continue reading
New Moon in Virgo
A day so gorgeous it hurts… In a good way. Meditating on the day’s new moon and setting intentions for the next cycle was how I started my morning. Today was full of active kiddos. Moments of solitude. Sharing about motherhood. Parenting in tandem. We shopped for ingredients for meals, and cooked and talked together. I wondered… Continue reading