When I’m feeling stuck, I’ve been taking a “meditate and trust the message to come” approach (my lower three chakras are notoriously sticky, word-wise). So far, it’s worked, albeit in its own time. This week, the vision that came for me after just such a meditation hit while I was about to get up from… Continue reading
Posts in "Short Thoughts"
Like droplets of sweat they emerge yes the more one exercises the spirit how much more readily truths spill Find your means your tools your mettle Let that incredulity flow over you like waves back into the earth to be transformed by her need for magic
Chakra 3 – Light Language
**For some reason, I have really struggled with writing through the third chakra – my weakest, perhaps. That said, this is what came through in a dream after meditating a few days ago, and as I sit with it and move into the second chakra, I’m trusting that clarity and a course of action will… Continue reading
Chakra 6 – Vision
I was leaving the house. It came as a sort of wall, not allowing me to pass over the threshold until I really looked – saw what needed seeing. Raw trunks surrounded me, like the ones that hold up my roof, bolster my walls. A circle. “Do this,” they commanded. I knew, with every cell,… Continue reading
Chakra 7 – Every Year a Deepening
Every year a deepening. That’s what I’m feeling. It’s as though the earth, herself, weaves her way in, more and more, bent on thoroughness – on addressing every unacknowledged space. A cusp. A precarious one. Both personally and on a macro level. Feelings merged, despite the polarity of what, I suspect, are the likely outcomes…. Continue reading
Her wild currents arrived with full force I watched them flow over hills trees bending in supplication splitting at corners amplifying her voice rushing over angles roaring in freedom no intention of stopping AIR Bringing in her edge despite knowing how to be still She heeds the call to move but not without making an… Continue reading
Night Walk
I wrapped myself in night sounds an almost balmy breeze infusing my being with the scent of shifting seasons rich and rotten a knowing in my bones that soon the silence would only be broken by wind and footsteps and breath
Beltane 2017
A misty evening. A special sort of quiet, that hangs a gentle canvas for the cheerful dialogue of birds and the faint, steady swish of droplets that were too heavy to linger in the ether. Waiting for thunderstorms. Carrying on.
The Day Before
Today has been a tear-filled day for me. I have plenty of practice with boundaries to protect my acutely empathic soul at this point, but at times like these, when the swirling energy is so intense and pooling, here and now, as threads of past and present and all possible futures meet, there is no… Continue reading
A Late Walk
When you’re out on that final walk with the dog later than you should be at the tail end of dusk. Drops begin to fall. Sparse and then less so. And you close your eyes for a moment as that same dog leads you with his regular series of hurried steps and pauses and the… Continue reading
That Mist
That mist encountered on a spring evening just after rains trapped the warmth that chose to flow the mist that draws out those heady scents of green and earth that drapes flimsy-like loose woven linen angled gently across forest ground cover a gnarled tree looping itself out like a leg from under the covers on… Continue reading
Taking in a Room
From a 10-minute assignment to, “Write a list of sentences that do not connect to one another.” I sit at the table and my waist presses uncomfortably against the rough denim and unforgiving button of my pants. From here, the mirror, whitewashed angles framing reflective curves, stares at a line above my head, casting back… Continue reading