Well, the giddiness of making it through yesterday resulted in very poor sleep, so today has been a little painful. I’m afraid I’m at a loss for anything remotely poetic or profound, so it’s another stream of consciousness kind of evening. Walking through the last 13 hours without sleep was a little like existing in a… Continue reading
Posts in "Short Thoughts"
The End…
A packed car, save for that big blue cooler, and two (yes two) bassoons, an oboe, an English horn, and a fiddle.
Sleep Addled
I fell asleep while putting my boys to bed tonight… It was glorious and terrible. And glorious. Blue tinged computer light is the terrible part, I’ve just decided. In truth, I’d like to return to the cocoon from which I just dragged myself, all hung with the heavy tapestries of a day well spent. It’s not… Continue reading
The Bat
Last night, we stumbled upon a little brown bat. Three boys were the first to spy his furry body on the edge of a rock. With cries of “Mama! Look!” we clambered down to see the sweet, sad, tiny thing. He was hurt and frightened, unable to fly. At first he crawled into a space between the wide,… Continue reading
Today it was Turkeys
I went on a run today, and less than five minutes in, I heard a ruckus in the woods to my right. Based on previous observations and discussions with a variety of local inhabitants, my brain rushed immediately toward “BEARS,” as black bears tend to frequent this area, and the orange-tagged, furry visitors from Connecticut are… Continue reading
Just Now
Peering through the screen door, I see light and dark, side by side, engaging in yet another subtle dialogue on this day of rapidly shifting weather. Skyward and to the right, a startlingly clear blue canvas highlighted by the sunset above a field partially draped with a misty orb. To the left, just slightly, layer… Continue reading
A June Afternoon
…and the gorgeous energy of a rain kissed garden filled with every shade of purple and green, and the smile that comes when you inhale the sun and breeze from laundry that you thought you didn’t want to hang, just before you fold it and put it away in the almost stuck drawers in a… Continue reading